Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mikey - The Half-Retard on American Chopper.

Alright, granted the guy is probably fun to have around and he makes me laugh but I can't help but point out just how fucking retarded that kid is.

His father and brother are both very talented dudes and very skilled fabricators... then along comes Mikey with this bullshit "painting" crap that he does.

His shit looks like a 2 year old threw paint around... he thinks hes Jackson Pollock, but he's just a fat fuckin slob who needs a shower and a hair cut and then he needs to put his playtime paints away and get a real fuckin job!
Jackson Pollock

A genuine Pollock painting

I mean enough already people! everyone blowing sun-shine up this guys ass because he's the family retard who doesn't fit.

"Oh Mikey, that painting look awesome!" BULLSHIT!!! It Looks like SHIT!!!!
Really This looks nice? are you fucking BLIND?!!

A genuine "Mikey" POS

The kid id borderline a "Quasimodo" bell-ringing retard with no job skills, fat, lazy, stupid and if he weren't on TV, or if he was YOUR son... you'd kick his fat ass out of the house.

Enough of this franchise. The Father busted his ass and granted hes a roid-raging asshole sometimes - Look what he has accomplished! He builds this empire and his two fuckin mutt kids have nothing but disrespect for the man. Thankless asshole kids.

The ONLY reason Junior is even ABLE to open his own shop is based on money he got from the sweat of his father's hairy ass-crack! Then they treat "Mikey" like hes a "special needs" kid and hand him some paint - which the retard splatters all over himself and the floor.... and then they call it art! Good job retard! OMG enough already.

Bring on a real fabricator I miss this dude.
Bring on Jesse James.

My next victim of this Rags to Riches to Rags story will be this gold-digging whore and how she wiggled her way into TV by convincing Junior that he needed to start a "boutique" LMAO!!