Bunch of fuckin idiots. That pretty much sums it up when we're talking about the recording industry.
Lazy group of slobs with nothing more than greed on their minds along with a huge amount of desperation caused my their own self-fulfilling prophecy. MORONS.
But before I get started with that shit. Let me show you a few pictures:
Now, after seeing these pictures we all have a different response however, one thing the majority of people will agree on is that the individuals above have a large effect on current music trends. Chris Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood and Kelley Clarkson are huge artists on today's music scene....and neither of them (as talented as they are) was found by any recording label or record executive or scout!!!
If I told you that the next Tom Brady was out there, right now I guarantee that the college, pro or even high school level scouts have an idea of who that individual might be. Unlike the record industry who sit on their fat asses waiting for that next mega-star/act to knock on their doors.
Who the fuck does that?
Then these lazy pricks complain when the music is being shared and then fight with their own talent to steal a percentage of merchandising - The shirts posters and shit that we all buy at concerts. At one time this was one of the only ways artists could make money and now they record industry wants that money too.
While all this is going on.... talent is not being sought. Chris Daughtry was working at a parts counter in a local dealership until he got the balls to try out on American Idol. The fuckin guy would still be there if it weren't for his own gut....where the fuck are the record companies when it comes to FINDING people like Chris Daughtry? are you shitting me?
Fuckin losers....Waiting and waiting and waiting....counting their money.....waiting some more....then complaining about record sales and pirating.....waiting some more......strapping thier own signed artists for merchandising money......waiting some more and then more still....
Fuckin assholes... wake the fuck up! go out there and find artists as IF you were a NFL scout and then sign these people!!!
If American Idol can give us so many talented folks, I say this is PROOF that the record industry is failing in all aspects of business.
Artist are now moving away from major labels and representation...with the internet, more bands and artists are releasing their own music and saying FUCK YOU ! to the record industry.
All I can say is Thank god! FUCK ALL OF YOU. bunch of lazy fuckin cunts.
You deserve your misery... you created it dumbfucks!
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