Friday, November 21, 2008

How about READING while driving!

I'll make this one short...What the fuck is this stupid Cunt thinking?
Perhaps she's thinking "I'll just brush up a bit before the test"....
Maybe we should all just forgive her. She was probably up late last night, not studying though, she was probably up late taking a dick in the ass and sucking her boyfriends dick.... Fast forward to today, the rest of us have to die in traffic because this bimbo is too fuckin stupid to drive the fuckin car. Another shot just for effect.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

TEXTING while DRIVING! #1 what the fuck people!

If you thought talking on your cell phone while driving was nuts wait till you see what I have for you. I used to waste all my breathe screaming at incompetent assholes I saw talking on the phone while driving.... Now I see people TEXTING while driving, and I am seriously considering bringing these to my congressman.

The start with dumb-fuckin-cunt #1

Examine this photo and you'll notice that this fuckin whore doesn't even have her hands on the wheel!!! At the time I took this photo we (this death-bringer and I) were in traffic going 60 mph... notice the blurry truck in the background. No Bullshit! 60 mph, looking at her text with NO HANDS on the wheel!!! Do you feel safe?

Maybe this will change your mind:

This one here is curling her ugly -ass eyelashes while driving... Although its not texting,her eyes were totally off the road at one point for approximately 5 full seconds- in traffic.

Keep in mind these are the people who will ass-pack you and give you life-long injuries due to whip-lash... and they really dont give a fuck. After all, they have text to send and calls to make and they also have to get ready for thier dates.... so who are we to question thier freedom.

Here's a few more in-case you think I am full of shit. These two fuckin clowns are texting also. Keep in mind we are moving here!! typically at 60+mph.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Brian Wilson - Musician & Worthless Bag of Loose Marbles

I'm working on this one, but it is extremely hard to find video of that pathetic POS. Bear with me. Until then, take a peek at my latest blog about all the fuckin Nit-wit, dumb fuckin assholes that I commute with who are now TEXTING while driving!!!!....

Tonight show